NuroLux™ Services

Restoring Hope for Families
Impacted by Autism.

Our goal is to stand next to every family impacted by autism, for life, by proactively lighting their path with data-driven assessments, education and solutions.

NuroLux™ and Community Membership

NuroLux™ Caregiver Academy & Care Plan Coaching

We exist to help families navigate the fractured and frustrating landscape of Autism by helping them create the necessary alliance with their multidisciplinary care team and community. Academy content is led by subject-matter experts with proven track records of success,as well as parents sharing what they wished they would have know. NuroLux™’s curriculum and coaching will improve the quality of life for everyone impacted by Autism by providing actionable strategies and solutions. Our virtual curriculum focuses on teaching families what to expect at each stage of their journey while building, navigating and efficiently paying for a thoughtful care plan to meet your family’s unique needs.

Our coaching, led by vetted professionals who believe that progress for your child cannot be best accomplished with siloed professionals who aren’t communicating, will provide a custom care plan based on the Neuro Navigator ™Assessment and individualized needs of each family. Additionally, NuroLux™’s coaches will connect families to available resources to support the whole family.

Topics NuroLux™’s coaching and curriculum will cover include, but are not limited to:

  1. A roadmap for the path ahead upon ASD diagnosis.
  2. Making the most of ABA or behavioral therapy.
  3. How to build, track and refine your child’s IEP or 504 plan.
  4. Insurance 101: Understanding your rights and how to navigate insurance carriers.
  5. Assessing and planning for your child’s independence.
  6. Trusted community resources available for your child.

NuroLux™ Assessment

NuroLux™ has designed the Neuro Navigator™ to support families and help them prioritize their unique needs. We have developed this assessment to capture your current needs, recommendations as well possible next steps. Each families journey is their own, much like each child has their own special spark, superpower and gift they bring. NuroLux™ families will have the opportunity to take the initial Neuro Navigator™ to aid in setting the foundation for their families care plan. Throughout the year, families will have additional Neuro Navigator’s™ offered that will help them outline what is ahead, proactively addressing upcoming meetings, possible challenges and considerations for specific times of year. Traditionally, families are always chasing and behind due to our current reactive system. The Neuro Navigator™ is blazing the trail for a proactive, informed and enlightened path ahead.

NuroLux™ Innovative Technologies

Sparked by the ideas and experiences of parents exhausted, navigating countless dead-ends with insurance carriers, school districts and service providers, NuroLux™ is a data driven technology solution using assessment, education and solutions to save you time, money and heartache. NuroLux™’s technologies help your family effectively and efficiently navigate the traditionally most-challenging components of care such as social challenges, independence, insurance, and education.

Become a NuroLux™ Member Today!

Benefits included in your membership:

Neuro Navigator assessment: initial comprehensive assessment to learn about your family.
Ongoing Neuro Navigator assessments: to assess and refine current care plan and evolving needs.
Caregiver Academy 101: learn the fundamentals of navigating Autism from experienced parents and Autism experts.
Concierge Coaching: initial coaching session to interpret first Neuro Navigator assessment, ability to purchase additional coaching session for ongoing needs.
Monthly content
Key resources

And we’re always adding more benefits!

What Our Members Are Saying!

One of the key tools in the NuroLux toolkit is a series of questionnaires. It was relatively painless and certainly helpful in identifying our current state and what was working from our perspective. This process actually provided us a sense of accomplishment on how far our family has come and inspiration for the path ahead.

- Exiting the Nest

When I first received confirmation of a ASD diagnosis, I left with nothing else but a diagnosis on a piece of paper. Little did I know that me, my husband and our children’s life was going to change EVERYTHING!! But, ironically, I was never told that my life as I know it will change drastically. I left that appointment with my piece of paper in hand (evaluation conclusion and diagnoses) and THAT.WAS.IT!! Never was told what lays ahead of me. In a perfect world, knowing then what I know now, I would’ve NEVER has a family leave without educating them FIRST! I would’ve appreciated having someone come along side my husband and I to answer any questions, provide wisdom and resources. Most importantly to offer encouragement.

- Parent

While services have evolved over the past 40 years, there has been little innovation to meaningfully help families understand the fractured landscape of care, make informed decisions to truly find their loved one’s maximum level of independence and—perhaps most concerning—find love and compassion for themselves as caregivers.

- Dr. Alan Lincoln PhD, MSCP, BCBA-D

I’ve been fortunate enough to work in the autism community for the past 40 years. I’ve conducted and overseen thousands of autism assessments and related care plans. My passion is also personal, as I have a 60-year old brother impacted by autism who I care for.

- Parent