To empower families impacted by Autism, the professionals supporting them, and their communities with better resources to navigate the fractured landscape of care through NuroLux™’s actionable strategies, world-class coaching, and industry-leading innovative solutions to meet each family’s unique needs. NuroLux™’s community provides our members with holistic, realistic and actionable tools to improve the quality of their lives.
Our Vision

Justin's Welcome
Core Values
We believe that every individual impacted by Autism should be loved and celebrated for exactly who they are. There are many realities associated with Autism that are difficult to embrace. Many adults with Autism report, including those whom were previously non-verbal, that they understood what was going on around them and their parent’s evident frustration. As a result, NuroLux™ believes that fierce empathy and unconditional acceptance—starting with the family upon diagnosis—is a key to success. NuroLux™ will empower families to embrace their journey.
Most families impacted by Autism report heartbreaking isolation, frustration and fear of the unknown. NuroLux™ will empower families to boldly take control of their care plan, embrace their challenges and—when necessary—equip families to bravely fight for the resources their family needs and deserves.
Commitment to
NuroLux™ will always place your family first by focusing on purpose over profit. Our industry research reveals that many companies are utilizing inexperienced professionals to increase profit margins, all to the detriment of families. NuroLux™’s team will be seasoned professionals who have bridged the gap between the classroom and real life.
We believe families should not have to suffer, then fight to identify and obtain critical resources. NuroLux™ is committed to helping families understand all available resources at each stage of their journey, while teaching families how to hold those who withhold resources accountable. Our NuroLux™community members, thought leaders and families share their journeys with transparency and honesty.
We never retreat. As parents and caregivers, we must strive to always advance in the face of adversity. NuroLux™ believes that within every challenging reality lies an opportunity for improvement and progress. NuroLux™ will always push the envelope of innovation and challenge the status quo for our community. NuroLux™’s curriculum, coaching and technology platforms will constantly evolve to reflect reality, not outdated and impractical theories.
NuroLux™’s community is unapologetically optimistic in helping families improve the quality of their lives while empowering their loved ones to reach their full potential.
Reliable Research
Our solutions and coaching will always be informed by credible science, not hollow promises or unreliable information.

Guiding Principles
No one knows the challenges parents with Autistic children face better than the parents who have come before. Their courage steadies our resolve, sharpens our focus and ensures NuroLux™ will place families first every step of the way. Our guiding principles define the virtues we seek to uphold:
- Diversity is non-negotiable and enriches the world.
- We will convert fear to faith.
- You’re never out of the fight for your child.
- Find your (chosen) family and support network.
- Identify and nurture your child’s unique gifts.
- Enjoy the journey.
- Self-love and self-care is critical, put your oxygen
mask on first.
Statement on Diversity & Inclusion
Neither Autism nor NuroLux™ discriminates on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status. NuroLux™, however, believes that Autism is severely under-diagnosed in communities with limited financial and healthcare resources. NuroLux™ is deeply committed to providing support in these communities. With open arms and hearts, NuroLux™ welcomes everyone willing to support the individuals and families impacted by Autism.

Our Logo & Alliance
As reflected by the three hands protecting the heart in our logo, we believe a balanced Alliance between (1) the family, (2) the multi-disciplinary professional team and (3) the community will significantly improve the lives of families impacted by Autism. This Alliance must be managed as your impacted child has new teachers, care teams and experiences. NuroLux™ will provide families with the tools to form and maintain this important Alliance.
The Journal of the American Medical Association recently addressed the importance of an integrated model of care for impacted children:
“Given our recommendation that pediatricians consider and refer families for a greater variety of intervention services, it is likely that a more diverse range of professionals will ultimately support families of young children with autism. This multidisciplinary, family-centered team could include behavior analysts, early intervention specialists, occupational therapists, social workers, speech/language pathologists, and teachers. However, families often report that fragmented service delivery is a greater source of stress than the needs of their child. Thus, it is vital that health systems develop integrated models of care with collaboration across a range of disciplines, streamlining the transition from diagnosis to support, as well as the selection of learning goals and intervention approaches.”